O'Tool knows having cut, threaded, grooved, or glued products ready to go on your job site can cut your work time significantly. Let us work with you to improve your efficiency and earning potential by having what you need at your job site when you need it.
Give us your lengths, and we will deliver what you need when you need it. We can cut plastic products and steel sizes ranging from ¼ to 4 inches.
We also thread pipe. We can thread pipes ranging from ½ to 4 inches in diameter. Let us know what you need, and we will have it at your job site when you need it.
We will be happy to groove your pipe. We can groove pipe for 2 to 8 inches in diameter. Let us help you with your next grooving project.
Gluing can slow you down. We offer custom gluing for plastic products. Call us to see if we can help you cut down on gluing time today.